Thursday, August 30, 2007


I am happy to report that my season with CBC High School opened with a 3-0 win on Monday (8-27). This weekend, (8-30,9-1) we play out of town teams from Indiana and Wisconsin. Then the following week we host our Tournament - the 30 something year of it -- feauturing the best teams in the area.

The heat may be starting to break, but we still desperately need rain.

I watched the Eredivisie game of PSV - NEC on Setatnta Sports -- big win for PSV.
Hopefully, soon Ajax will be featured.

I recently went to the NEC website and saw Stefan and Tom Menting listed with the
C-2 team. I will follow that team this year.

Please send indo on what you and your team is doing.
Love to hear from everyone when you get a chance.


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Sunday, aug 19

Hello here a mail from Srefan Reynders.
How are you??
Everything allright with you all?
Iäm doing great with NEC.
I want to come next year to St Louis,it was great in St Louis.
I"ll send you some pictures from me from NEC and with a player from Vitesse.
Bye,greetings from Stefan

I am trying to download some pictures, when I figure it out, they will be here.
Hopefully soon !!!


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wednesday, Aug 15

Just received a translation of an article from an interview with Jordie and Michelle vd Laan that appeared in a dutch paper.
It is so nice to hear such positive responses to our camp experience this summer.

I will attach the translation:

Eat lots of hotdogs
During the last week of July 2 Soccertalents from Cuijk took place at the International Soccerweek at the CBC HighSchool in St. Louis, USA. Michelle(15) and Jordie(13) van der Laan found out what it looked like to live like a real professional soccerplayer in a strange country.
Michelle and Jordie will be playing in the C1 selection of JVC Cuijk next year. They also play for the districtsselection of the KNVB in their own age-category. And besides the soccergames they get coursetraining by Theo Joosten 1 time a week.
“Because of these coursetraining it all began”, Michelle says, aiming at the trip to the USA. “Theo Joosten maintains narrow contacts with Jan Pruijn, soccertrainer and initiator of the CBC Dutch Touch Soccercamp”, completes Jordie. Also by their many presences and commitment, their talent was revealed and so brother and sister received an invitation to take part at the trainingperiod in St. Louis.
With a group of another 10 kids from the environment of Nijmegen, Michelle and Jordie set of to the airport at Dusseldorf and went to America.
All the children were categorized in American host familys. Daily they went to the Highschool campus, to train or play soccermatches several times a day at the art grass with a group of 80 soccertalents.
“Meanwhile we had lunch or diner and we could eat as much hotdogs as we want”, Jordie says so. Furthermore on the program were a reading, a soccer movie, an excursion, a barbeque and a swimmingparty at the swimmingpool. “With a gymnastic jump I won the diving contest”, Michelle lets know with her 6 years of gymnastic background.
“But the most beautiful thing was to be between al the Americans in such a great and strange country, with the different language, and see how life goes there”, Michelle says. Jordie agrees with his sister. “It’s also a good thing to be at your own feet and to make your own decisions”, they both continue. “And we have met so many new people, like Sara and Austin…”
“What kept me up, was that technically the Dutchies were more improved than the Americans, but fysically they were stronger than us…”, decides Michelle, while they both were lying down more and more as a result of the jetlag…

Thanks to the family vd Laan for sending this to me.
Stay in touch


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tuesday, Aug 14

Hope all is well and that the new seasons are starting for everyone.
I have heard from a number of the families and the players are busy training with their teams. The season is also starting here in the States, so the local players are also trianing and prpeparing for games.

Please keep this blog open with responses and comments and information.

Jordie and Michelle are doing an article for their newspaper and will send me a translation and I will then post it here.

I am starting week 2 training my team and the training is improving, even though the weather is still brutally hot.

Anxious for the Eredivisie to begin -- I get a weekly game on Setanta.

Keep us posted on what's going on

best of luck to all


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday, Aug 12

The heat continues to be the topic in St Louis -- today the temperature is currently (3:00pm) at 102 f -- no relief in sight as the forecast for next week is similar to last week.

We will temperatures around 100, with no chance of rain.
The heat certainly affects the training as we must modify our training schedule and the performance of the players is also affected.

I received a response last week from Theo Bastan, Daan's dad and I will attach it below. Congratulations and best of luck to Daan and Tim.

Daan and Tim got a telephone call from the KNVB coach that they have been selected for the inter-regional soccer team under 14 years from the KNVB.
Evenso they have to play very good
in the next cupgames, because there will be scouts from the proffesional clubs to look at them.

So a busy and exiting time is coming up.

We also wish Stefan and Tom Menting good luck as they have started training with NEC.

Please keep us posted on their progress as well as anyone else who continues to follow this blog.


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thursday, Aug 9

This is a translation of an article written by daan and Tim for their Gemeente Nieuws about the camp experience. Thanks to Theo Bastan for sending this to us:

In the week of the 30th of July Tim Buurman and Daan Basten, who both play in the C1 team
of the Bataven and who both are national Dutch voetballers (under 13, eastern region) came
back from an unforgetable journey which they made to St Louis MO, America. Organisator
Jan Pruijn (old player from the Bataven) invited both lads with ten other Dutch players in the
age catergorie of 13 to 15 years to join him in the “CBC Dutch Touch” International Soccer
Camp in St Louis.
Since Febuary there had been several meetings giving everybody the chance to get to know
each other and to recieve information about this special journey.
On the 20th of July the day had finaly come and a group of twelve soccer players and three
trainers took off for a ten day trip from Dusseldorf airport heading for the USA.
They flew via Detroit to St Louis where they recieved a warm welcome from Jan Pruijn and
all the guest families. Tim and Daan were staying with Nancy and Joe Robinson and their six
children, who were all very exited about having the “Dutchies”
The first day the boys stayed at home, rested and tried to aclimatise to what in their eyes was
“The Big America”, everything was bigger, the house the car and even the televisions were
bigger than at home!
On Sunday July 22nd the soccer began at last with a four versus four tournament.
This all took place at CBC High School in St. Louis where Tim Tettambel, Terry Michler
with their staff and with the Duch trainers Jan Pruijn, Harry Jansen and Theo Derks, and
about seventy players were about to start on this great soccer happening. With the
temperature well up in the 30’s and with a high humitity it took some getting used to for the
Dutchies. In the evening the boys were all collected by their guest parents and enjoyed a well
earned rest.
On Monday 23rd of July the routine of the football camp began as it would for the rest of the
week. After pancakes at home for breakfast, they would be taken to Highschool for training
and then a four against four game, lunch at school, more training and then eight against eight,
diner and then in the evening eleven against eleven games. The teams were often mixed and
the language wasn’t a barrier when it came down to playing soccer together.
It was tough and very tireing for the boys having to play in such extreem temperatures, and by
wednesday they were pleased to have the day off, and visited the Arch, sailed on the
Missisippi completing their day with a barbeque with water melon and a nice cold dive in the
swimming pool.
Thursday was the day that the Dutch players were to give a demonstation training, under the
leidership of Jan Pruijn and watched by the sixty American players.
Friday was the last day, they played some soccer and in the evening they watched a real
American baseball game in a big stadium.
Tim and Daan had a great time with their American family, in the evenings they would play
baseball, soccer and basketball with the children and neighbourhood childen, after which they
would sit on the veranda and teach them Dutch words.
Their Guest family were as a real “Guest” family and everyday there would be e-mail contact
with Holland, the boys were espiecally well looked after with much warmth and care.
All in all it was an experience that Tim and Daan never will forget, and their contact with
America is one for always and who knows one day they may return.



Tuesday, August 7, 2007

As we swelter in the St louis heat (heat index over 100 f)and the forecast for the temperature to be 102f the next few days, it's time to think of better things.

the 2008 version of the cbc- dutch touch International Camp will be held the week of July 20-25 at CBC. We have confirmed the dates with the school and are good to go.

We expect a lot of interest as this year was very successful and generated a lot of interest. We will accept players born '94 and '95 and those who attended this summer will have first chance to attend.

Rain would be nice, but does not seem possible. So it is more of the same.
due to the excessive heat, our training schedule has been modified and we get much less done. Everyone has the same problem and in time the heat will decrease and we can get on with things as usual.

Will trade sun for rain for a few days --


Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sunday, Aug 5

Glad to report that Harry and Theo are safely home, without any delays !!
I already miss their constant barrage of humor and the quick one-line responses.
Not only were they very good with the soccer, they were a blast to be around.
Theo has groups from Kenya coming into Holland Tuesday for soccer games, so not time to relax.

Today, I am watching the Charity Shield game - Man U vs Chelsea -- both teams are playing for keeps and seem to be in mid-season form. Next week the Premiership starts and the rest of Europe will be starting soon also. Plenty of great soccer to watch and enjoy.

Our weather here is going to be very hot and dry for the next week. We will have temperatures in the 100s f with heat index above that. It will be very uncomfortable and I can already foresee some training cancelled due to the excessive heat.

Hope everyone is back to their normal routines and looking forward to their own club seasons. Please keep us posted on what you are doing as I will keep this blog open for as long as possible.



Saturday, August 4, 2007

Saturday, Aug. 4

Well, it is officially over now that the last of the dutchies (Harry and Theo) have left and yes, it does seem like the storm has lifted. It was such an emotionally charged experience that the letdown hits hard. It has taken a few days to get back to normal, but it has also been a time to plan for next summer as well.

The reaction that we have received from the locals and the dutchies has been very positive and that makes us want to do even better next year. We have set the week of July 20-25 for the 2008 camp at CBC. I already have heard from people wanting to register NOW for the camp.

Great news from Tim about rcovering Jip's camera from the Hilton Hotel. The pictures will be a lasting memory with every picture there is a story. It was very nice of Tim to put the pictures from the host families and Irene together on the memory stick for everyone.

It rained and stormed briefly last night -- finally !!
However, it is going to be a very hot week with the temperatures up to 98 f, that plus the humidity will make it very uncomfortable. We were lucky with the weather for our week, even though it was hot, it could have been even hotter.

I am anxiously awaiting the beginning of the European soccer season as I am able to watch many of the Leagues -- English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, German.
Maybe someday we will see some of the dutchies in the Eredivisie.

Have a nice day, enjoy the weekend


Friday, August 3, 2007

Friday, Aug 3

Today we take Harry and Theo to the airport for their return trip home.
What a pleasure it was to spend 2 weeks with them, to learn from them and to enjoy their company. They could do comedy as 2 man act -- they are funny and play off of each other very well.
I thoroughly enjoyed talking soccer with them and sharing information. Watching them work with the young boys and mostly girls in the 2nd week was very interesting. They have the ability to relate to players at whatever level they may be and their patience and willingness to help them improve was truly outstanding.

I would love to welcome them back anytime in the future and I will pass this along to Jan as well.

I wish them a good, safe flight home and thank them sincerely for their time spent in St Louis, and for the new friendship that we created. Once again, I am fortunate to have met new dutch soccer friends and expanded my knowledge as a coach.

I learned something everyday from Jan, Harry and Theo and I thank them for that.


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thursday, Aug 2, 2:00 pm

Just read a nice response from the Robinson's about the wonderful experience they enjoyed in hosting Daan and Tim.
I can say without any question of a doubt, that this was the biggest win-win situation that any of us have ever experienced.
I read the nice, grateful comments of the Dutch parents, and I read the appreciative st Louis parents and I have spoken with the players enough to know, that everyone had the time of their lives and we will always remember this as a special event in our lives.

Let's hope that we can continue to communicate and exchange mail and share stories even if we are far apart in distance. I want to know how the dutchies are doing and I will be interested to hear from them during their season to know how it is going.
We can also share our stories with them and keep this linof communication open for ................... !!!!!

Thanks to Daan's family for telling me they will translate their story of the trip and we will share it will friends here.

Tim is putting together a 'story book' of the trip, so please send your story(stories) so that we can all enjoy them.

Tim was telling me last night that when his dutchies arrived, they were going to go a coffee house and talk -- the dutchies looked very suspicious of Tim because in Holland, the coffee house is a place to buy and smoke marijuana and hashish, where here it really is a coffee shop to drink voffee and to talk.

that's the first shared story -- let's hear some more !!!

Go Ajax -- hup holland !!!!

Thursday, Aug 2

Just read a nice response from Daan's family saying how much Daan enjoyed his time in the States and his host family. Als it was mentioned that Daan and tim will write an article for their soccer club magazine about their trip to the States --I would like an English version of that , if possible.

we are already having people in St Louis asking about can they sign up now for the camp next summer -- it is the talk of the town !!!

It is still sunny and very hot here and we need some rain !!

I start team training on Monday, Aug.6 for my CBC High School team and that season goes through the end of November.

I just spoke with Jan and he is relaxing on holiday with his family at the beach.

Harry and Theo have their last training session today and then they are off tomorrow to return home. I have really enjoyed them and learned a lot fromm them.

thanks again


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Hello everyone

by now everyone has settled back home and it is business as usual.

I will keep this blog open for a period of time to allow for messages back and forth.
Feel free to use this as I will check it and post messages regularly for awhile.

I would like to know how everyone is doing now that you are all home.

friday, harry and theo also go home -- then we will have no dutchies until next summer --

Go Ajax !!! maybe that will get a reaction or 2 --

hup holland
